Sodelavcu ALUO častna omemba na mednarodnem bienalu keramike v Faenzi

Veljko Zejak, asistent na Oddelku za kiparstvo UL ALUO, je za svoje delo There will be blood, 2022, prejel častno omembo na 62. Faenza Prize, največjem evropskem mednarodnem bienalu sodobne umetniške keramike, ki je v MIC Faenza, Muzeju keramike v Faenzi, Italiji, na ogled do 29. oktobra 2023.

Claudia Casali, direktorica MIC Faenza, je v utemeljitvi nagrade zapisala:

Through this work, Veljko Zejak draws attention to a global and social emergency linked to emigration, exploitation of resources, integration, respect for human and social rights, and identity. In recent years, we have been experiencing the displacement of a considerable number of people in all geographical areas of the world, emigration forced by situations of necessity such as wars, climate emergency, hunger, persecution. Thousands of people leave their native places with the hope of being welcomed in countries where they can imagine a future for themselves and their families, asking for concrete help for a new life. Zejak’s hands place the viewer in a perspective of deep unease, stimulating questions without answers.

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Na fotografijah: nagrajeno delo (na razstavi in v katalogu) in avtor Veljko Zejak na razglasitvi nagrad ob odprtju 62. bienala, 30. junija 2023 (arhiv avtorja).